
About J.M. Kelly

Jim Kelly has been a middle school teacher, a vice-principal, a principal, a Co-Director of the New Jersey State History Fair, a consultant for the New Jersey Foundation for Educational Administration, a current Board member of the Global Learning Project, a non-profit, and Past-President of the Morris County Association of Elementary and Middle School Administrators. He has been the recipient of numerous education awards such as the New Jersey Governor’s Teacher Award, two Geraldine Dodge Foundation Grants, and by acclamation of his school staff, received the New Jersey Principal’s and Supervisor’s Association Principal of the Year Award for Visionary Leadership in 2007. Jim has authored two professional books: Student–Centered Teaching for Increased Participation and In Search of Leadership.  

The Lost Treasure , available on, is Jim’s first novel. His love of mysteries, adventures, and everything about Sherlock Holmes, helped in the creation of eleven-year-old Bobby Holmes and his cousin Brenda Watson. Tommy Ails: Good For What Ails You, also available on Amazon, is a humorous off-beat mystery, and Jim’s first novel for adults. Jim recently secured a publisher, Top Publications Ltd., for both The Lost Treasure and nis new novel, Monster On The Moors.

Jim divides his time between Sea Girt, New Jersey and Sarasota, Florida, with his wife Bronwen. They have three grown children, Peter, Alex, and Brianna.