Book J.M. Kelly For Your
Next School or Club Event
Grade-Level Assembly
Have an entire grade level read a Bobby Homes book, and prepare your students to interview the author in a large group setting. The author will answer questions in a Q&A format, and conduct discussion on various aspects of plot, character, setting, and theme. He will also impart a personal message on perseverance and following your dreams.
Classroom Reading
Have a class read a Bobby Holmes book, and prepare students to interview the author in a classroom setting. The author will answer questions in a Q&A format, and conduct discussion on various aspects of plot, character, setting, and theme. He will also impart a personal message on perseverance and following your dreams.
Guest Appearance
Have a small group, perhaps a reading club that meets at recess or another time of the school day, read a Bobby Holmes book, and prepare them to interview the author in a small group setting, perhaps in the library. The author will answer questions in a Q&A format, and conduct discussion on various aspects of plot, character, setting, and theme. He will also impart a personal message on perseverance and following your dreams.
In any case, if students either have or purchase a copy of a book of their own, the author will stay for as long as it takes to sign each copy.